
General Chairs

Roberto Cipolla – University of Cambridge, UK
Carlo Colombo – University of Florence, Italy
Alberto Del Bimbo – University of Florence, Italy


Authors are invited to contact general chairs using the following email


Program Coordinator

Pietro PeronaCalifornia Institute of Technology, USA


Program Chairs

Andrew Fitzgibbon – Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK
Svetlana Lazebnik – University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Yoichi Sato – University of Tokyo, Japan
Cordelia Schmid – INRIA, Grenoble, France


Authors are invited to contact program chairs using the following email


Honorary Chair

Tomaso Poggio – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA


Tutorial Chairs

Emanuele Trucco – University of Dundee, UK
Alessandro Verri – University of Genoa, Italy


Workshop Chairs

Andrea Fusiello – University of Udine, Italy
Vittorio Murino – Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genoa, Italy


Demonstration Chair

Rita Cucchiara – University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy


Industrial LIAISON Chair

Björn Stenger – Toshiba Research Europe, Cambridge, UK



Marco Bertini – University of Florence, Italy


Publicity Chairs

Terrance E. BoultUniversity of Colorado at Colorado Springs, USA 
Tat Jen Cham
 – Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Marcello Pelillo
– University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, Italy


Publication Chair

Massimo Tistarelli – University of Sassari, Italy


Video Proceedings Chairs

Sebastiano Battiato – University of Catania, Italy
Giovanni M. Farinella – University of Catania, Italy


Travel Grants Chair

Luigi Di Stefano University of Bologna, Italy


Travel Visa Chair

Stefano Berretti University of Florence, Italy


Local Committee Chair

Andrew Bagdanov – MICC, Florence, Italy




Horst Bischof – TU Graz, Austria
Michael Black – Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Germany
Richard Bowden – University of Surrey, UK
Joachim Buhmann – ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Mark Everingham – University of Leeds, UK
Vittorio Ferrari – ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Michal Irani – The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Christoph Lampert – Institute of Science and Technology, Austria
Ivan Laptev – INRIA, France
Victor Lempitsky – Yandex, Russia
Jiri Matas – Czech Technical University, Czech Republic
Tomas Pajdla – Czech Technical University, Czech Republic
Patrick Perez – Thomson – Technicolor
Marc Pollefeys – ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Jean Ponce – ENS, France
Stefan Roth – TU Darmstadt, Germany
Carsten Rother – Microsoft
Yoav Schechner – Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Bernt Schiele – Max Planck Institut, Germany
Christoph Schnoerr – University of Heidelberg, Germany
Josef Sivic – ENS, France
Peter Sturm – INRIA, France
Tinne Tuytelaars – University of Leuven, Belgium
Jakob Verbeek – INRIA, France
Yair Weiss – The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Christopher Williams – University of Edinburgh, UK
Lihi Zelnik – Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Andrew Zisserman – University of Oxford, UK


USA & Canada

Simon Baker – Microsoft
Alyosha Efros – CMU
Pedro Felzenszwalb – University of Chicago
Rob Fergus – NYU
David Fleet – University of Toronto
David Forsyth – University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Kristen Grauman – University of Texas at Austin
Martial Hebert – CMU
Aaron Hertzmann – University of Toronto
Derek Hoiem – University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
David Jacobs – UMD
Sing Bing Kang – Microsoft
David Kriegman – University of California at San Diego
Kyros Kutulakos – University of Toronto
Jitendra Malik – University of Berkeley
Deva Ramanan – University of California at Irvine
Stan Sclaroff – University of Boston
Carlo Tomasi – Duke University
Antonio Torralba – MIT
Ramin Zabih – Cornell University
Larry Zitnick – Microsoft



Michael S. Brown – National University of Singapore, Singapore
Katsushi Ikeuchi – University of Tokyo, Japan
Steve Lin – Microsoft
Yasu Matsushita – Microsoft
Long Quan – The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China


Local Committee

Lamberto Ballan
Laura Benassi
Silvia Capecchi
Marco Fanfani
Andrea Ferracani
Claudio Guida
Lea Landucci
Giuseppe Lisanti
Iacopo Masi
Laura Mencherini
Fabio Pazzaglia
Federico Pernici
Lorenzo Seidenari
Giuseppe Serra


Conference management

Consulta Umbria, Perugia, Italy

