ECCV 2016 – call for proposals

ECCV - The European Conference on Computer Vision is one of the top international conferences on computer vision research. It is organized biennally by respected European researchers who have support of an established institution. The next ECCV organizers will be selected by the ECCV Board, which consists of the representatives of previous ECCV organizers. If you are willing to organize ECCV 2016, please send your proposal by email before September 10th, 2012 to the ECCV 2012 general chairs ( The candidates will be asked by the ECCV Board to present their proposal at the ECCV 2012 conference in Florence where the final decision will be taken and announced. Structure of the proposal Please discuss the following issues in your proposal:
  1. People: general chair, program chairs, organizing committee, ...
  2. Dates: conference, submission, AC meeting, notification, conflicts with other conferences, ...
  3. Venue: number of seats, poster area, exhibition space, workshops & tutorial rooms, hotels, ...
  4. Budget: registration fee, the worst case scenarios, financial guarantees, ...
  5. Travel: connections, air-fare costs, transportation from the airport, ...
We are looking forward to your proposals.